The party was a blast, with our 'chefs', and cook. And also not forgetting the brownies, which were delicious as well! Two thumbs and two big toes up to the lady of the night!

This is Wei Khee, holding the baa baa. He claims that he's just doing it for the sake of Lilian cos she asked him to, but we ALL know better, right? Admit it lar Wei Khee =) looks so cute! but I had cuter ones in my card ler...cis...
Me, Ron and NOT ask me why shaman decided to pose like that..
The guys from Swinburne! except for Edward, who's in F6 now
Took quite a few pictures that night, but didn't manage to get it. Tried to transfer the pics to my comp using ron's newly acquired card reader, but i guess the card reader was faulty or something, cos it couldn't read the card, then after that, I tried to use the card again to take pictures, and it said...."card error" *buzzer sounding*
So most probably have to reformatt the entire card, and you know what THAT means....all the pictures in the card.....GONE!!!! cis....benci tak terhingga. Hari yang hisap. All the great photos at the party, at McD, our BIS presentation photos, all gone up in smoke....
Wana cry.... T.T
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