Jasmine, from whom the pictures for this post were stolen off her blog :p
So, FT weekend for Sarawak came and went two weeks ago ^^

Big crowd, superb speakers, and great messages were conveyed.
So what was the content of our weekend? Sexuality.
We had Andrew come in and give talks on being aware of our bodies, relationships (of all kinds), why we get into relationships (the real reasons vs delusional reasons), and sexual intercourse.
He brought along Ms Yuwana, who's the president for the Sarawak Aids Concern Society, and she in turn, educated us on HIV/AIDS, and how important it is to respect others, including those who experience sexual prejudice, domestic violence, and discrimination.
It was a very enlightening weekend for all those involved, as it was a relevant topic that's simply taboo to society nowadays. The mere mention of the term sexuality could cause some people to shy away and pretend they've never heard of it. Which was exactly what happened in the beginning of the first session. It was noticeable that the participants knew exactly what was being said, but would rather pretend that they have never heard of the term before. But after the first session and under Andrew's careful lead and contagious laughter, they were able to come out of their shell and address the issues they were facing, and ask some pertinent questions they really wanted to know about but were too shy to ask.
Personally, I felt it was an appropriate topic for this weekend, as there are those who do not dare to talk about this matter, but it's something that everyone needs to know. Another thing that I'm really proud of, is that we have finally managed to formalise our FT process in Sarawak.
On a side note, that weekend was great in that I managed to meet up with old friends (of whom I might not have the time to meet otherwise), and organising this event yet again for the participants gave me a sense of fulfillment and contentment. There's just something about the knowledge that you have managed to touch their lives and made them view their life with a more positive outlook, and that gives you a sense of accomplishment. It just makes you feel really happy and give you that emotional boost you need.

:p hehe..I love this pic
Too often we get caught up in the daily rigours of life, and get tired out from the demands that are expected from us. So when the opportunity of catching up with old friends came along, we grab it, and prepare ourselves for two days of relaxation, and mindless gossip :p haha...coming back after a hectic calendar to pump petrol for our emotional state of mind.

as is the case for all group photos, there just has to be one stupid one :p
Mind if we curi your post and put in FT blog?
nopes :) that's fine with me
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