Ini adalah untuk sailou dear saya :) He says my blog too wordy la, so I shall upload some pics for him :)
Lol, I also just realised that lately all I have been doing for my blog posts are just writing down my feelings and thoughts without any pictures :p I shall endeavour to post more pictures up in the future..hehe..but bear with me k ^^
Needless to say, this was given to my dear from my sister :p hehe..for valentines day la, but takkan expect him to use it right :p hehe..
This one from Lilian ^^ so sweet kan, love at first sight for me! But very scared to wear it cos scared the diamonds come off. Will only wear for special special occasions :D
From him..
my birthday gift from my bff's :D super cantik, and I love the teddy bear. A girl can never have too many bags :D

with Dinah at Sunway when I was there for X-Mas

my two Moo Moo's


the three siblings with mike voon

dengan Varun..I wonder if he still has the long hair..
ok la for now :D til some other time when I can upload some more or have other more interesting pics to put up :)
take care all!! ^^
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