Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Avon Kiss Goodbye To Breast Cancer Charity Walk Actual Day

Hey there! 

It's October and if you're a lady, you would know what month this is!!! The whole month of October is Pink Ribbon Month!!! and you might have seen lots of organisations promoting Pink Ribbon campaigns and some shops having Pink Ribbon promotions. If you still don't know what Pink Ribbon Month is, then shame on you. Pink Ribbon Month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! and if you've been following this blog, you'd have seen my blog post for Avon's Kiss Goodbye to Breast Cancer Charity Walk here *click*

True to form, I did my part for charity, and went on an all out 5km walk at Putrajaya Presint 3 that Sunday!!

 Look at all those pink balloons!!! too bad didn't manage to capture a nice shot of the balloons in the air like Michelle did >.<

But I did manage to capture the clown with the balloons :D

Before we started off the walk, we were treated to a warm up session in tune to the Zumba Dance! But we were a little too crowded inside, so couldn't really move a lot :p

With my baby Eunice!! :p our sleepy faces before starting the walk :p

After our Zumba Dance warm up, we were all ushered to the start line, and flagged off by YB Senator Datuk Heng Seai Kee, Deputy Minister of Women, Family & Community Development, accompanied by Carolyn Nur Amira Lee, Avon Malaysia's Managing Director

There were a lot of attractions along the way, amongst which were signs encouraging us to continue to walk with gusto. We saw these really cute signs and stopped to take some funny pics with them :pYep, I'm walking my buns off for boobs :D

We also encountered policemen on horses! A sight only to be seen in Putrajaya I guess. Am feeling a little in awe of these cute creatures and couldn't wait to have my picture taken with them...

...after the pic was taken, I noticed some buih buih near the horse's mouth and I was like, eeeew :p haha mungkin air liur meleleh cos see such a pretty girl *perasan mode* bahaha

Breast Self Examination (BSE) statues!! apparently these four statues show you the four steps to doing your BSE every month. As is the ignorant me, I thought they were mimes just for fun at first :p haha so I posed with them and had the serious face :p

we met a bunny along the way!!! :D

We were supposed to feel de-stressed after entering the stress free zone,  but how to destress when you're already not very stressed? :D

Sempat kami berdua mengambil gambar :D with Isaac at the back talking on the phone selamba only :p 

and after one hour and 5km, we have reached the finish line!!!! hurray and two peace signs up for me!! *yay me* I was told that the first 200 walkers who finished the walk first actually formed a human pink ribbon as a symbolic gesture to celebrate the upcoming Pink Ribbon October month, but I was too slow so I didn't see it happen *boohoo*

All through the event, we were treated to a medley of events, which featured modern dances by the Kickers, a young team of five very energetic dancers dancing to a variety of songs (this reminds me of my old school modern dancing days), an awesome performance by Soo Wincci singing One Moment in Time and many more local celebrities taking the stage to raise awareness about Breast Cancer!

We had a very inspiring speech by Madam Siow Fei Fong, a mother of 3 young kids, and a  breast cancer survivor. She shared with us her journey battling Breast Cancer, and it was a truly humbling story indeed. Once you listened to her sharing, you come to realise how small your problems are when there are other people out there who are battling for their life.

 A group picture with the Breast Cancer Survivors!

The other highlight of the day (and what most of us bloggers were waiting for) was the Go Bald for Cancer session whereby volunteers will sit on a stool and Go Bald for Charity. This session was courtesy of Michael & Guys Hair Salon and Academy, and was personally conducted by Ms. Callie Goh, the Chief Creative Director of the Academy.

Our very own Daniel Chiam volunteered himself to go bald and was among the first batch of guys shaving their heads. He chose to sit at a very strategic spot, so that the lovely Puteri (yes I remembered her name) who's one of the staff at Michael & Guys could shave his hair. Look at his face all aglow with anticipation!

And so the shaving began, and halfway through, I think he was thinking to himself what has he gotten himself into :p Note the crinkled forehead :p He had the most fans that day too :p haha thanks to us bloggers >.< and now he's famous!

But he didn't chicken out, and I'm super proud of him for doing so! Here's a final picture of him with his Puteri :D

All in all, I'm glad I went for the Walk. It was a chance for me to do my bit for charity, and raise some awareness about the fight against Breast Cancer. Without a doubt, I would definitely go for it again next year :)


Xue Ren said...

let's wear pink and support this meaningful event! :D

Shannon said...

wee! It was fun to be a bunny ^^

Merryn said...

So proud of Daniel for doing this. And kudos to the rest of you who participated in the walk :)

ChrisAu said...

Fist time here ! And, what an event you have just blogged. Kudos to those courageous folks who shaved their heads to support the cancer event!

michleong said...

Those statutes, I didn't know they were there for that reason also. haha! I got the balloons but you've got so much pictures during the walk also. I didn't bother taking haha..

Unknown said...

CUTE LA DANIEL...Keep forcing himself to smile nia...;P

Henry Tan said...

wow good event to increase the awareness!

Charmaine Pua said...

Let's celebrate the boobies!! XD

Unknown said...

nice! =) hehe i was thr for awhile..

choulyin.tan said...

Xue Ren
yes! haha I've been wearing the Avon baju quite frequently :p

and you were a cute one!

yup, really kudos to him! If I was a guy I would do the same thing :p

Thanks for dropping by! hope you liked what you saw :D

I also din know they were supposed to be statues :p pics all taken by Henry one hehehe

choulyin.tan said...

yalo...really cute lo

it was! if only it wasn't in Putrajaya..then I think more people would go for it

haha the whole month of October to celebrate boobs!

nice! good to know there are a lot of people out there to increase awareness about breast cancer!